Volunteer & Mission Opportunities


  • Children’s & Youth Ministry - Whether it’s being a lead helper or teacher or simply helping provide crowd control on Wednesday night, these ministries are in real need of support as they minister to a growing number of children and youth.

  • Choir/Worship Team - If you can sing or play an instrument, we’d love for you to be a part of leading music on Sunday mornings. Contact Niall McCright.

  • Volunteer at one of our community events like Fall Festival, National Night Out, the Elm Mott Community Clean-Up Day, or the Community Thanksgiving Meal.

  • Flower beds & plants - We need someone to keep our indoor plants and outside beds watered and maintained.

  • Church landscaping, maintenance, and repair

  • Audio/Visual - run the soundboard or the worship slides on the laptop

  • Website - Help keep this website up-to-date

  • Usher and Greeters. Contact Bob Davis if you are interested.

  • Meal Ministry Team - During difficult times such as a recent hospital stay or a death in the family, bringing a meal can be a real blessing. Would you be willing to join the team of people that we can call when these opportunities arise?

  • Tri-Cities Ministries - a partnership of local churches with the goal of ministering to our communities to alleviate poverty. They are currently seeking greeters on Tuesdays from 10:00 AM-3:00 PM. Even if you can only volunteer once a month, let them know. They also need people who would be willing to be trained as caseworkers who would meet with the people coming for assistance.

  • Tri-Cities Food Pantry - We’re always collecting canned meat and vegetables and well as hygien items to donate to the Tri-Cities Food Pantry. Pick up a can or two the next time you go grocery shopping, and drop them in the food pantry bin in the church hallway.

  • Meals on Wheels - Deliver hot meals to those in need Thursdays at 10:30 am. We're looking for people who could do this once a month. See Pastor Jeb for details on how to get started.

  • Van driver - pick-up kids for the meal and church activities on Wednesday evenings.

Have a skill that is not listed and/or like to put your time to work for others? We can always use a helping hand with something! Fill out the volunteer form and return it to Pastor Jeb.

Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.
— 1 Peter 4:10